Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Final Fantasies
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i do also don't like FFXII, why

Vaan looks like a girl even he's a man, so he is she-man, lol

i don't also like FF7 and FF8, why

they are not much more on fantasy, they more on technology, so might FFXIII be following the trend (because of Tetsuya Nomura's involving in it, lol)

i think the best FF are FF1, FFIII, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFIX

the most underrated but good - FFII, FFV, FFIX

the most overrated but worst - FFVII, FFVIII, FFXII
yeah i saw how FF12 works and... no, i didn't like it
I liked FF6 the best. But that's probably quite biased because that was the 1st FF I played, AND pretty much also the 1st RPG I played.

I never played anything above 8 actually. 9 didn't really interest me much watching my brother play. And now that I got my new computer, I can emulate FFX and X-2. Will do that sometime.
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core is my favorite

and i don't really dislike any of them, apart from FFXII maybe...
Welcome to a thread that's more than a year old now!

Also I'm going to lock this thread since you said Crisis Core.
Final Fantasy VIII
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