Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Open Challenge] Wallpaper Battle
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Participants: open to all
Type: Wallpaper Battle
Theme: Freestyle
Size restriciton: Must be at least 1280 *768
Rules: Has to be a fresh wallpaper
Time restriciton: Maximum 72 hours from now.
Prizes: get real..
Anything else: lots.. but nothing relevant to this...

Submission Note: You don't need to declare your participation, but submit directly to ..um.. MehHakker (?.. if he's cool with it) before 72 hours from the time of this post.

Kool :D

would something like that count? xD
yes, just a scan, i resized and add some random stuff in Hihi
I guess you can.. but then, how is this a battle if you do that?
make sense i guess, it's just me, i tend to prefer a clean wallpaper instead of those strokes everywhere xD, guess i gonna make an exception this time.
Im done, just need to up somewhere, might just do it from the server...
Mickey if you submit it to me when you have the link that would be great :)
isn't it about time this thing end? o.O
yeah... if only mickey will submit...
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