Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] PSP Filer 5.8
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PSP version 5.8

[Image: snap003hc3.png]

- You can check the file into a tree.
- You can change the time stamp and attributes of the file.
- I have a Japanese.
- ISO, CSO, ZIP, RAR or confirmation of the deployment.
- wav, mp3 can be played.
- UMD ripping your device.
- You can also return to the flash memory storage.
- You can check the contents of the text.
- You can edit a binary file.
- BMP, JPEG, PNG You can check the contents of the file.
- You can edit also flash memory.
- You can also change the file name.

Update History

version 5.8: MD5 = f77bccb1b3943ad5b75a2af840941e59

/ * Please donate (only US $ 10), if you feel Filer useful.
Paypal & credit card will be accepted. * /

? mode Swedish general added.
Had the capability to ignore the analog input pad.
? filer
   ·All had the capability to extract the contents of the archive file.
   ·RAR file to "?" When the file was using an incorrect character, and fix a bug that could open exhibition. (Characters can not be used as file name "_" will be substituted)
   ·The contents of the archive file RAMDISK and Fixed a bug that could cause a memory leak when deployed.
   ·At the end copy "+ number of folders that you copied files created" to show the total version of "copied files" to show that change.

  - Added Swedish mode.
  - Added a feature to ignore analog pad.

  - Added a feature to extract all files in an archive file.
  - Fixed a bug that files in RAR archive which had a broken filename (eg '?') Could not be extracted correctly. (Those "unusable" characters will be replaced into '_')
  - Fixed a bug that memory leak was occured after failing to extract archive files into RAMDISK.
  - Fixed a bug to have shown wrong count of files after copying.

yaaay updates...wonder if this one will let me modify flash0 files in 3.x kernel mode...
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