Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CFW5.00 M33-6
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Changes in 5.00 M33-6:

- Fixed a bug that made unbootable psp without memory stick or with a bad one.

5.00 M33-5

This update is a try to fix memory stick low speed since 3.80.

Instructions: Copy UPDATE folder /PSP/GAME/ and run.

If you come from a version prior to 5.00 M33, put sony update as 500.PBP in same folder, or let the program download it for you using a wifi connection.


- A setting has been added to recovery, that, when enabled it may increase memory stick reading speed. (only on the psp, not in the pc).
By default it is disabled. If you installed 3.71 fatmsmod, do not use this setting, as its perfomance with 3.71 driver has not been tested. Instead, reinstall 5.00 m33-4 using dc8 and update to 5.00 m33-5

The included file fat_comparison.html contains a comparison of perfomance between the 5.00 fat driver, the 3.71 one, and the 5.00 one with the speed up hack during the read of an iso.
The test was done on the game Valkyrie Profile in cso format in march33 mode. Other games, modes and applications different than iso reading showed similar results.

cool maybe this will fix the gta lag and the fft lag
Azumi Wrote:cool maybe this will fix the gta lag and the fft lag

GTA should realy only lag if you have compressed to a cso...at least from my experience...but...i guess this means good bye 5.02gen for a little since i am very curious of this new feature.

Well i just ripped my gtalcs umd to iso, then compressed with YACC to level 9 and selected to use cso+ all at max settings and it compressed the iso to 65% of the original size...trying it now :D

ummm....i have no sound in the game now...
yes, just back from GEN ;)

[Image: 200901202141120nv7.png]
Changes in 5.00 M33-6:

- Fixed a bug that made unbootable psp without memory stick or with a bad one.
well takeshi's recovery coloring tool works on satelite, but not recovery...so at leats THOSE offsets are the same :D

Also this bookmark is working good

[Image: snap154cb7.jpg]

SchmilK Wrote:Changes in 5.00 M33-6:

- Fixed a bug that made unbootable psp without memory stick or with a bad one.

matchung Wrote:
SchmilK Wrote:Changes in 5.00 M33-6:

- Fixed a bug that made unbootable psp without memory stick or with a bad one.



Great! new update's!!!

My GTA never lagged when i had my psp, and it was compressed as cso.
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