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Full Version: Star Ocean
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Pages: 1 2
Syfe Wrote:What i meant was the music creation system.

i think they were going but ear on the names...

like Ronyx? not Ronixis? i just got SO2:SE today and the name is correct in that one.

Original naming list/Fave foods:
[Image: Star_Ocean_Characters_2_by_KuroSlayer.png]

i think the SO2 port is the direct port from ps1, so nothing change, only the resolution screen of the game
oops. apparently his name is screwed in SO2:SE as well. imean they had his name correct for the first version

well at least everybody esle in SO2 has there name correct.

voices aren't half bad so far. Celine needs a better voice actor.

so for the direct port thing. yeah it's just touched up abit to correct the graphics.
I'm pretty sure Welch joins you as well though shes doesn't seem good enough to enter my main team (Claude/Ashton/Chisato/Rena). Its too bad you can't get Ashton and Opera in the same party though =(

I would ditch Rena in favor of Opera if I had the chance.
this has got me thinking to why they changed the names of everybody who was in the first game.
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