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Here to post a boring thread.

I originally played the SNES hacked version, but due to the emulator being screwed up, I got a game crash on my savestate so I dropped it.

So tried the remake for PSP a while ago.  The 3D effect is nice I guess, though not terribly great.  The overworld is now more like an overworld (in the original, it's basically just paths), though a side effect is that it's somewhat laggy on the PSP >_>, and I kinda preferred the original pathways as it's easier to know where to go that way.  They've changed a few annoying aspects of the SNES version, but, gosh, their interpretation is way too childish... (stupid characters' stupid taunts at the beginning/end of each battle... + spellcasters ie Milly who keeps shouting "Heal!!!!!" every 2 seconds).  I kinda like the translated version better overall than the official one (WTH does the "Give us the advantage!" strategy mean??)  Otherwise pretty much like the original - if you can turn the voices off...

Anyone else played the PSP remake for Star Ocean?
Played it... well it was okay. I still like SO2 better also the voice acting is horrible and some of the name changes are just bizarre.
personally, im loving it...but, then, im a sucker for an RPG, and have wanted to play 1/2 for a long time, since i missed the originals completely
Goshi Wrote:Played it... well it was okay. I still like SO2 better also the voice acting is horrible and some of the name changes are just bizarre.
I think the voice acting wasn't too bad for the effect they're trying to get (a very childish one).  Yeah, some of the name changes were a bit odd, but don't think they were too bad: Ratix » Roddick - I guess Ratix is kinda a weird name in English (so is Roddick, but perhaps a little less so).
they screwed the game up.

names are screwed
Ratix suddenly becomes Roddick
Milly into Millie
Dorn into Dorne

the overworld is screwed

the music is screwed, i want my gaberial (SP) fight.

the fact that you can't return to roak
i like more the snes version of starocean except the random hang of game when you savestate, well i prefer more the translation by dejap over the translation of words in the psp (i dunno who translated it) yeah the overworld is so much annoying, you keep on rotating and you can't know where you are going, oh well, they get the engine from star ocean 2 so that is why that game is like that.
Syfe Wrote:they screwed the game up.

names are screwed
Ratix suddenly becomes Roddick
Milly into Millie
Dorn into Dorne
I think Milly » Millie and Dorn » Dorne is acceptable.  Pretty much just different spellings, plus the "original" you're comparing against isn't an official translation anyway.
Ratix is weird though.

Isn't the music just a remix of the original music in the game?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Syfe Wrote:they screwed the game up.

names are screwed
Ratix suddenly becomes Roddick
Milly into Millie
Dorn into Dorne
I think Milly » Millie and Dorn » Dorne is acceptable.  Pretty much just different spellings, plus the "original" you're comparing against isn't an official translation anyway.
Ratix is weird though.

Isn't the music just a remix of the original music in the game?

i think the music was remixed from the original soundtrack which fond nice, i wish they put an option to change the speech in jap and english, lol
I busta wolf'd afew people in this game.
What i meant was the music creation system.

i think they were going but ear on the names...

like Ronyx? not Ronixis? i just got SO2:SE today and the name is correct in that one.

Original naming list/Fave foods:
[Image: Star_Ocean_Characters_2_by_KuroSlayer.png]
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