Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Popsloader please?
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Can someone ZIP the neccessary files to run PS1 on my 4.01 M33 PSP? I used to have it but it never worked!

Your help is much appreciated!
Seito is alive!!!

And why not upgrade to 5.00 M33?

4.01 M33 uses 3.80's v2 popsloader which only allows you to use 4.01 (Orig from flash), and 3.72 and below.

Here : http://hackmyconsole.com/filez/PSP/pops401.zip
Update to 5.00 M33, and look in the "invisible place".

There is an entire setup I uploaded there...
thanks demonchild!

im on a dodgy wireless network so id rather try this first!

thanks again!
okay, it doesn't work, error code CA000005... for some reason Homebrew doesn't work either...
Well if you ever update to 5.00 M33, the set up I uploaded works fine.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:thanks demonchild!

im on a dodgy wireless network so id rather try this first!

thanks again!

So use your dodgy network and try to update to 5.00 M33-4.

M33 Network Update..
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