Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The World Game
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The members of Endless Paradigm are all put onto a sustainable planet, just like Earth,..what do they do?

* Mc Cabe walks around greeting people and sets off to find some land to build a house :)
* funny builds a house and parties by himself
* PSPkiller joins funny's party so he's not all alone
* SchmilK looks for an internet connection
* Mc Cabe re-invents wheel and kindly shares it with others :)
* PSPkiller realises that interwebs is far more important than party and joins Schmilk, leaving funny to fester... no offence funny...
* Mc Cabe connects his house up to schmilks and says 'hi'
* Mickey finds all the whores and starts his own business
* Chroma rapes anything and everything that moves. And some things that don't.
* funny sets up new website called http://www.endlessparadigm.com
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