Endless Paradigm

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The on where I cna have like tabs on the side of my desktops and when i click on them they expand and become like a dock or contain shortcuts to stuff
rocket dock with stack docklet plugin?!
I believe that's objectdock,...don't think rocketdock can do that.
That's either RocketDock with the free Stacks docklet, or ObjectDock Plus (which is US$20)
Mc Cabe Wrote:I believe that's objectdock,...don't think rocketdock can do that.

you need that free plugin called "stack docklet".. I'm using it, and its working
I has it mythos, but that isn't what he's explaining,..I think

Do you mean like this nacos

[Image: coversutra_tabs_by_sketched_dreams.png]

^That's only supported by objectdock pro
my desktop:
(its usually not like this.. just for the screenie)

[Image: side_dock.png]
Mc Cabe Wrote:I has it mythos, but that isn't what he's explaining,..I think

Do you mean like this nacos

[Image: coversutra_tabs_by_sketched_dreams.png]

^That's only supported by objectdock pro

yes that exactly!
i failed :<
Mc Cabe Wrote:I has it mythos, but that isn't what he's explaining,..I think

Do you mean like this nacos

[Image: coversutra_tabs_by_sketched_dreams.png]

^That's only supported by objectdock pro

that looks nicer than rocketdock's stacks :D

/searches for objectdock+
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