So I will be typing away no problem, when all of a sudden here is a chunk of text from a web page or something i have previously typed, magically appearing where i type...I can't recreate, and it seems alot when i press Y or U while typing...but it has something to do with my hand hitting the touchpad and pressing a letter together :-/
Does anyone know anything about this?
go over to System»Preferences»Keyboard Shortcuts
and see if theres anything unusual.
Ive never had that problem. Might be something wrong with the keyboard.
i don't see anything that pastes :(
If i am holding SHIFT and double tap the top right corner of my touchpad which is the vertical scroll hot spots, it will paste :) :) see i pasted that :) :) «- and that! :D
its probably from the selection clipboard...
by default tapping the touchpad with two fingers will emulate a middle mouse click which also should result in a paste.
by the way if you have synaptics touchpad you should try out twofinger scrolling and/or circular scrolling.
bstronga Wrote:its probably from the selection clipboard...
by default tapping the touchpad with two fingers will emulate a middle mouse click which also should result in a paste.
by the way if you have synaptics touchpad you should try out twofinger scrolling and/or circular scrolling.
i will check that out at work tomorrow..
i laughed at your avatar and wanted to vector up an image of homer burping at milhouse
but i made this with cut n paste in the mean time to remind me to do it later
LMAO at the image to the left