Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Ultimate VSH Menu v1.03 (Added Recovery Menu)
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Ultimate VSH Menu v1.03
by Total_Noob

[Image: screenshot142b413a1ik6.jpg]

What's this?
It's an Ultimate VSH Menu like the M33 VSH Menu with OTHER features!

Changelog v1.03
- All found bugs fixed
- It removed "flash1:/dic" for more space
- Don't activated VSH Menu in PSP Store
- Code completely rewritten
- Ultimate VSH Menu can only load after 3 seconds
- Fixed a bug, that sometimes CPU 222 is
- It's locked only the buttons
- Scrolling is now even faster
- Battery options are added to "MAKE BATTERY"
- Enter is now available with LEFT or RIGHT
- Screenshot now with NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE or R + L possible
- Possibility to change Speed up MS
- "USE SLIM COLORS" appears only on PSP phat
- Added Orange and Purple to "VSH MENU COLOR"
- Added "USB CHARGE" on PSP slim

Changelog v1.02
- If UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT long holds, it will be faster scrolled
- Fixed a bug, that psp is sometimes lame
- Config file is a little changed
- Config loaded only once(no longer the whole time)
- Red and green looks different now
- Added PINK, BROWN, GRAY and YELLOW color
- Added "HIDE MAC ADDRESS" to hide the mac address
- Added "USE SLIM COLORS" to use the slim colors on phat

Changelog v1.01
- Fixed much bugs
- Ultimate VSH Menu is now much more stable
- Don't activated VSH Menu in OSK
- If "ms0:/PSP/GAME/VSHMENU/EBOOT.PBP" does not exist, it will not loaded
- changed much in the menu
- Added a small function to disable M33 VSH Menu
- Added "SCREENSHOT" to make screenshots("R" + "NOTE")
- Added "VSH MENU COLOR" to change the color(BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED)
- Added "RECOVERY MENU" to load the recovery menu
- You can press "SELECT" in recovery to exit

NOTES: Sorry, but I will add the "LOAD IRSHELL" function in "VSH iRSHell";)

Release v1
- Press SELECT for open/close Ultimate VSH Menu
- Don't activated VSH Menu in camera
- Don't activated VSH Menu in internet browser
- Possibility to change XMB CPU
- Possibility to change Game CPU
- Possibility to change USB device
- Possibility to change UMD iso mode
- Possibility to change game kernel
- Possibility to activated skip sony logo
- Make autoboot battery
- Make pandora battery
- Make normal battery
- Shutdown function
- Suspend function
- Reset function

NOTES: In v1.1 is with "LOAD IRSHELL" and "RECOVERY MENU" option

wah! you can now create pandora battery in VSH menu? nice find!

will try that later
Nice! bat tool on VSH MENU
Does this interfere with the "Categories Plugin V3" for 5.00 M33-4 users ?

Changelog v1.01
- Fixed much bugs
- Ultimate VSH Menu is now much more stable
- Don't activated VSH Menu in OSK
- If "ms0:/PSP/GAME/VSHMENU/EBOOT.PBP" does not exist, it will not loaded
- changed much in the menu
- Added a small function to disable M33 VSH Menu
- Added "SCREENSHOT" to make screenshots("R" + "NOTE")
- Added "VSH MENU COLOR" to change the color(BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, RED)
- Added "RECOVERY MENU" to load the recovery menu
- You can press "SELECT" in recovery to exit

NOTES: Sorry, but I will add the "LOAD IRSHELL" function in "VSH iRSHell"

Changelog v1.02
- If UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT long holds, it will be faster scrolled
- Fixed a bug, that psp is sometimes lame
- Config file is a little changed
- Config loaded only once(no longer the whole time)
- Red and green looks different now
- Added PINK, BROWN, GRAY and YELLOW color
- Added "HIDE MAC ADDRESS" to hide the mac address
- Added "USE SLIM COLORS" to use the slim colors on phat

Changelog v1.03
- All found bugs fixed
- It removed "flash1:/dic" for more space
- Don't activated VSH Menu in PSP Store
- Code completely rewritten
- Ultimate VSH Menu can only load after 3 seconds
- Fixed a bug, that sometimes CPU 222 is
- It's locked only the buttons
- Scrolling is now even faster
- Battery options are added to "MAKE BATTERY"
- Enter is now available with LEFT or RIGHT
- Screenshot now with NOTE, R + NOTE, L + NOTE or R + L possible
- Possibility to change Speed up MS
- "USE SLIM COLORS" appears only on PSP phat
- Added Orange and Purple to "VSH MENU COLOR"
- Added "USB CHARGE" on PSP slim
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