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Exploit Fever Is Here Again

[Image: batsignal5be758sf5.jpg]

You've probably seen the news that MaTiAz and FreePlay have found an exploit in the ancient game GripShift, which works on all PSPs (including PSP3000) and up to the latest Sony 5.02 firmware.

This is great news, it's been a long time since a new game exploit was published, and it opens the way for at least user-mode homebrew on the PSP3000.  Here at Noobz wee saw the bat-signal calling for "someone who has experience in progressing exploits" to help out with developing this one further, and I'm glad to announce that wee'll be joining forces with FreePlay and MaTiAz.

The exploit already includes an SDK to allow porting of homebrew by devs, but that's cumbersome.  Our initial focus will be to make it easier to run standard homebrew via this exploit,  by adapting eloader to it.  This will be restricted purely to user-mode homebrew, since there is currently no public kernel-mode exploit that could be used here, and compatibility is likely to be patchy due to the security measures in the later firmwares which make determining all the syscalls almost impossible.  Still, you can expect that at least some emulators and other popular pure user-mode homebrew will run.

Beyond that, if anyone finds a usable route to kernel-mode then a HEN and downgrader ought to be doable, but wee're not focusing on that at this time.

Pre-announcements aren't normally the Noobz way, but in this case it seemed worthwhile to let people know, in case anyone was thinking of doing similar work.  Wee won't predict timescales, especially as everyone is very busy at the moment and there's a fair amount of work to be done - so please don't ask.

finally how nostalgic hen dowgraders

hvnt used one in ages
squee666 Wrote:finally how nostalgic hen dowgraders

hvnt used one in ages

hahaha yeah, good times.
The Noobz team!  Great to see them up and at it again for the psp scene.
nice to see some old devs to revive the homebrew scene with this exploit, maybe in the near future anyone holding PSP3000 can load emulators, homebrew apps with this exploit
HEN ,. lol!

only thingy stopping me from buying a PSP-3000 is the lacky screen,. :(
Vegetano1 Wrote:HEN ,. lol!

only thingy stopping me from buying a PSP-3000 is the lacky screen,. :(

ya, you think sony would have realized that problem and that gamers don't like it. I just don't feel like shelling out another $200 for a new psp when i got my slim not to long ago
I'll pass on the 3000 but it's nice the HB Scene slowly gets back where it once was^^
Ahhh I remember the day I downgraded my 2.00... I had no broadband at that time so I downloaded the MPH Downgrader at school and as soon as I was home I read the readme a gazillion times and quad checked everything. My heart was beating like poo poo during the process and I almost cried of joy when I first had SNES9X running^^

It almost seems unfair, because the new users have it so easy and safe with Pandora and CXMB for modding... I always thought twice before I did something with X-Flash (anyone remember that?^^) but in the end I never had a single not even Semi-Brick during the pre-Pandora era.
Like Sony is ever going to stop hackers.
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