Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Happiest Canadian of All Time
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Pages: 1 2 3
This kid was gifted a Wii... so he was excited.

oh.. make sure your volume is not high!

* Mythos punches the child in the face
* Nacos kicks the kid in the face
Its the exorcist all over again O_O
* MehHakker farts in the kids face


It's a Wii.......

YAY now I can play with the bowling all day long until I become a pro......then I'll move onto the real thing....
I thought the kid who thought he was getting a 360 was funnier
Slushba132 Wrote:I thought the kid who thought he was getting a 360 was funnier

lol, yeah he looked like he was going to stab someone xD

Haven't seen the 360 one, but the N64 one is awesome: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=pFlcqWQVVuU
Lol @ remix: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=DpJyG7B6tAI
Pages: 1 2 3
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