Endless Paradigm

Full Version: IRShell Mod for 5.02GEN
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GEN developers want no reason for you to say No to their new firmware.

Here is their info for bypassing the firmware check of IRShell to run on their new firmware.

From my quick testing, there is no 'NO UMD' patch support :(  *run the .prx and it says wrong firmware..so that magic bit needs to be found and the psbtn files compared for differences before it edits cause it could make for a bad time* So keep a game in the drive if you want to launch the games in that fashion.

All else is the same..If you would rather hex edit your own changes rather than download all the files, here's the info
In folder MS0:/IRSHELL/BIN/
# irshell500s.prx : Change 00 en 02 at address 0x28F5
# irspops_500.prx : Change 00 en 02 at address 0x0BB9
# nethostfs_500m.prx : Change 00 en 02 at address 0x1E75
# nethostfs_500sm.prx : Change 00 en 02 at address 0x1E75
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