What dya think?
v2... if I must pick.. too plain, but good flame effect
hmmm well i was trying to make the 'now' text merge/transform into something different,...into the 'change' text. I thought of spiderman and venom and the way it latches onto him and 'changes' him, and that's basically what I was trying to do :)
Thanks for the,...er comments

frankly, it phails your description....
but its decent!
use the smudge tool and drag out your own flames from the NOW letters.. there's some good toots around google if you don't understand what im saying...
It's supposed to be vectored, and that wouldn't look good imo
Mc Cabe Wrote:It's supposed to be vectored, and that wouldn't look good imo
i never read the rules

maybe you ought to make the BG transparent if the whole thing has to be vectored :D
like feinicks said ... tis too plain :D