31/12/2008, 05:17 AM
so i recently installed vista on my storage partition by mistake, now i have two installations of vista when i boot my comp; and i would really like to find away to remove this
but the problem is, when i try to delete the windows folder vista resides in; it won't let me! and other than that i can't find the boot.ini folder to change how the system starts up and gives me that annoying selection.
I really REALLY need help here, as this 2nd install is driving me nuts
edit: OK i got it to work after 2 hours of vigourous read ups on how to delete the sucker
just for your information; i had to use vistabootpro and change various security privileges on the windows folder to remove it.
but the problem is, when i try to delete the windows folder vista resides in; it won't let me! and other than that i can't find the boot.ini folder to change how the system starts up and gives me that annoying selection.
I really REALLY need help here, as this 2nd install is driving me nuts

edit: OK i got it to work after 2 hours of vigourous read ups on how to delete the sucker
just for your information; i had to use vistabootpro and change various security privileges on the windows folder to remove it.