Well I recently started to play Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion again and finally managed to create a chara that is a bit on the same quality level as the charas from the crazy guys from the TES Eyecandy community^^'
Here's my Kokoro-chan^^:
Wide evening land:
Ready for battle:
Relexing after a hard day^^:
Show me your charas!

have it installed havnt played it yet xD
Don't bother to play it without mods^^
If I remember correctly, you recently got yourself a powerful new computer right?
You should use some more anti-aliasing (smooths jagged edges). The aliasing shows in the pictures.
Yeah I know the jagged edges suck, but Oblivion can't have HDR and Anti-Aliasing together and I prefer HDR but maybe I can find a workaround^^ My HD4850 should be able to handle it.
umm...i know with Nvidia cards you can force Anti Aliasing in the CP....never tried with an ATI card though...
Yup that did the trick, thanks roberth!^^ ATI also has such a function, but I was suprised, even with my 4850 there was a noticable performance hit with 8x Edge Detect AA :o
![[Image: screenshot22nq7.jpg]](http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/7521/screenshot22nq7.jpg)
Catalyst doesn't seem to have a per-application setting unlike nVidia's Forceware :( The control panel in general seems to be weaker too.
I pretty much used the default character model - don't look at your self too often (at least the front). Chose a female for my second game, going at max difficulty, cause speed > endurance.
SkyDX Wrote:Yup that did the trick, thanks roberth!^^ ATI also has such a function, but I was suprised, even with my 4850 there was a noticable performance hit with 8x Edge Detect AA :o
![[Image: screenshot22nq7.jpg]](http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/7521/screenshot22nq7.jpg)
Try tweaking the settings file and turning the HDR down a bit...it looks better imo...
Yeah I agree Zinga Catalyst is pretty weak, but better then nothing. I play at normal difficulty and Kokoro is a Battlemage^^
Updated screenshot with everything that is possible on max, 8x AA, Adaptive Transparent AA, Temporal AA?, 16x AF:
EDIT: @roberth: Could you point me to the exact line for HDR tweaking? I know the HDR is quite excessive in these screens but it does not look like this in the "actual" game, it's just the location. It's called Amaterasu no Yume and tries to copy the look of the PS2/Wii game Okami. Seems like the developer overdid it a bit^^'
EDIT2: when I look at it..... I never saw such smooth edges in a game before... guess I have to stop ignoring AA...