Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Slushba132's Cash Plan
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I think I was going to go to a European credit union and get a savings account...

The way the american economy is going to hell and who knows what Obama is going to do...

also the euro is worth more and somehow I think that means I will get more value out of my interest...

is this a good idea [y/n]

oh also...
does anyone know any names of european credit unions or websites...
I don't want to go to just any online google site and send them all my money
yeah euros gonna rise soon. the pound sterling is falling like a bitch
I just figured it might be better

but I do wonder if there will be any problems buying American stuff with a European credit card
not but banks have their own personal conversion rates.. so you might get fudgeed once in a while, paypal does that and it earns alot of commission on exchanges
All currencies suck at the moment apart from gold the only true currency,
lol, good luck with that.
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