Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Necrobot's evil ritual is NOT OVER!
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Quote:1. Do not bump early. I'm going with "I don't know what it is but I know it when I see it" philosphy.

Redcard Naughty Naughty Necrobot
Sparker Wrote:
Quote:1. Do not bump early. I'm going with "I don't know what it is but I know it when I see it" philosphy.

Redcard Naughty Naughty Necrobot

Necroobt will be eXx1l3d :o
ChIcKeN BallZ Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:
Quote:1. Do not bump early. I'm going with "I don't know what it is but I know it when I see it" philosphy.

Redcard Naughty Naughty Necrobot

Necroobt will be eXx1l3d :o

Oh No!
ChIcKeN BallZ Wrote:The point of this thread is to get NecroBot to post. So basically, bump every once in a while. Bye

How come the first post still says that despite the new thread title?
Sparker Wrote:
ChIcKeN BallZ Wrote:The point of this thread is to get NecroBot to post. So basically, bump every once in a while. Bye

How come the first post still says that despite the new thread title?

sparker you may edit for me, i must be going, of to finals Sadcorner
No I know you only edited title to trick me into making this thread thus allowing necrobot to post in it
wait what? i edited the title because you and goshi will bump it, so now its the don't let him post thread. What thread did you make?
ChIcKeN BallZ is such a poo poo name also its evident failed copy of the almighty uniqueness that is ZiNgA BuRgA sadly you will never be that epic.. so stop begging.. douche,,
double you tee eff how am i being a douche? i didnt copy zb, chicken ballz was my back up account i made before because i was going to be eXx1l3d but I never was so I liked it better than mickey
ChIcKeN BallZ Wrote:necrobot posts after you post, check the times. Well it posts it before you but when you post it causes NecroBot to post. Yes I R mickey, and thanks Sparker. Also, in contest this will raise post count, not that i really care just made in RI so i wouldnt get in trouble.

Well, technically this is a contest and this section needs life so.....
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