Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Necrobot's evil ritual is NOT OVER!
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[Image: Necropost.jpg]
I am now dedicating to posting in this thread at least once a day
necrobot posts after you post, check the times. Well it posts it before you but when you post it causes NecroBot to post. Yes I R mickey, and thanks Sparker. Also, in contest this will raise post count, not that i really care just made in RI so i wouldnt get in trouble.
Yes I'll never make this thread die :P
Grrr, will rename
Now that think about it.
That bump this thread game that Anubis made no matter what Necrobot will alway be the winner :P
though I'm sure Anubis will declare the victor as the one who posts 'after' necrobot
I still have that bookmarked and an alarm set, damn NecroBot Erk
I should find that thread, I slightly remember the date it was to bump but not exactly.
Though I'm not really interested in winning it though.


[Image: Old-LastYearAirlines.jpg]
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