Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Fancy Karaoke in Fansubs. Do you care?
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Most fansub groups these days make karaoke effects for the OP and ED songs, ranging from simple to extremely complicated. But looking at the trend from the past to the present, these karaokes have gotten more and more complicated.

Now here's the question. Do you really care much about the karaoke at all?

Example of a complicated (the color changing feathers) anime OP karaoke.
Source: EP Video
Sort of. I don't particularly care, but I think it's nice to have a good looking karaoke.^^
I'm between the top two...

I only like it because usually the song relates to the show and is good to know what they are saying...

also I like it because if I like the song I want to make sure I like the meaning as well
Between the middle two....i kinda like it, but i rarely watch the OP or ED...
I always try to watch the op and ed at least once
mainly because I love music and am always looking for more
SkyDX Wrote:Sort of. I don't particularly care, but I think it's nice to have a good looking karaoke.^^
I'm fine with the DVD subtitles (no animated effects at all).  Do generally try to watch the OP/EDs at least once, but after that, typically skip them.
I usually listen to it once, and if i like it ill listen to it sometimes, but i never read the karaoke.
somewhere between the second and third option but I chose the third in the end
Don't really care. I watch the opening/ending once. After that doesn't matter.

And it doesn't have to be fancy. Nothing like your example.

Just the letters being filled with colors as the song plays is enough.
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