Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [i need Advice] about login problem on different sites.
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bro's/sis's i have a problem when login on different sites every time i visit a certain site i have to type my password and username even i TICK the box saying "login me forever or login automatic every visit and remember me?" why it is like that? but before it is not like that! i try to play around TOOLS and Options but no luck!

any advices will be appreciated.
is clear private data after close checked?
no i unchecked it! and seems that options does not response. i want to re install my browser but I'm afraid of loosing all my bookmarks.
if you are using firefox, install the plugin FOXMARKS.  It will sync your bookmakrs to a server and you can retrieve them on any computer :D  And if you want to go a step further there is an option to do the same with all of your usernames and passwords that are protected by a security pin number.  I think that is the greatest plugin ever!!
you can also download and install a password manager (for firefox) like sxxiper or like. just go to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ and check it out in Security tab. It will automatically put in the password (without the need for cookies).
I use secure login with firefox...
any site I go to I just type the password tell firefox to remember and everytime I go there I hit
Alt+N to login it is just like that
SchmilK Wrote:if you are using firefox, install the plugin FOXMARKS.  It will sync your bookmakrs to a server and you can retrieve them on any computer :D  And if you want to go a step further there is an option to do the same with all of your usernames and passwords that are protected by a security pin number.  I think that is the greatest plugin ever!!

hmmm, I never knew of this, I am going to add it...Thanks for the For your information
no problem
I was just lazy one day and was going to build a program so I looked it up and figured out someone allready made it
thanks bro's for the response i will try it later i will just go shopping now.
Sounds like the problem I have with a certain x***3****o site...
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