Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I am Iron Man
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Well I don't think many of you but I'm a beatboxer and I go by the beatboxer name of Iron man.. this is because Iron man beat by rahzel was one of the first beats I perfected in under 5 minutes and all around school I'm known as Iron Man because at my school tallent show even though the mic was spoon I managed to do Iron man beatbox and made it sound good.. I have a video of it which is here...

Source: YouTube

I am in the second act and im wearing a white/grey hoodie im on the left hand side.

I have many beats I have recorded but on a crappy mic so the quality isn't that good but I plan to buy a new dynamic usb mic.

I have a hoodie on the way too...

[Image: ironmanhoodie.jpg]

Here are two of my beats
Iron Man:

Bass Beat:
meh to be honest honest
nacos ur a twat.
deep Wrote:nacos ur a twat.

lol i swear you are his bro or something
Hmmm sounds cool!
naco's you are a twat. simple as. forget who i am, sort yourself out first.
deep Wrote:naco's you are a twat. simple as. forget who i am, sort yourself out first.

what have I done to you, his post was: missing words, stupid, loads of spelling mistakes, and it was stupid.. double you tee eff is this spoon.. and beatboxing sucks.. go learn a real instrument.
and what if he decided to type short hand?  who the fuuck are you to criticize and take the piss outa him? and double you tee eff is stupid about beat boxing? if you can do something and be good at it, who the hell are u 2 put him down? so bloody closed minded OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TALENTS that you might be chocolatee at, and actually did you see america's got talent? yeh the girl Butterscotch got through to the very finals with her beatboxing so screw you
its not even short hand its just retarded.. also what's up with you just starting conflicts out of the blue.. geez.. 12 yr olds these days..
there are 2 spelling mistakes u dickwad... hardly me starting conflicts, if anyone you are with your retarded post. lol 12 year old, i would be a loser if i were 12 and were saying all of this however I'm not..
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