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Full Version: How to make a Windows Blinds theme?
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Can anyone help me? I would like to make a theme/skin for windows blinds but don't know where to start. I can't find any tutorials on the interwebz :( Any help!?

Thanks :)

EDIT: Took me some time but found the official skinning guide http://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/skinning/

May want to keep this thread in case someone is looking for this,...or not :P
have you downloaded skin studio yet?
osnap1584 Wrote:have you downloaded skin studio yet?

Yeh that lol ^

It takes aaaaaages to make a skin By the way :P I was trying but I just gave up....
first you need legit copies of skinstudio, windowblinds, and a graphics editor such as adobe.
Open SkS (skinstudio) and take a look around the program, it hos lots of little hints and tips as well as tooltips to help guide you thru it.
Make sure the first thing you do is to go into options, find where the editor options are, and set it up so that when you edit open an image it will be opened by your editor and not paint which is default. Also, make damn sure you set SKS to "convert to png when opening in editor" This is VERY important. If you don't you'll have image problems because they will open as a tga. click on a skin part, such as a button image, and choose to open it. After your image is opened in your editor you can edit as you see fit. Once done save it where you want or you can have it saved in the skinfolder. Go back to SKS and click the edit button for the image and select Import. A dialog will appear where you then get a preview of the image and you can navigate to find your image. select image and import. If done correctly SKS will auto-refresh and a live update of your skin will show up for you.  If you see image stretching you can adjust the sizing margins by clicking the arrows for them to increase/decreas the numbers, which are positions. Anything inside the margins will be stretched or tiled, anything outside will remain untouched.
The same thing applies to text, which is really only another way for them to say content margins. Content margins dictate where things like icons and text go in the image. Those can be played with heavily, but keep in mind things such as tabs or headers may not change with the text margins because they are system parts and cannot be altered.
Best advice I can give you is to just play around with stuff to get a feel for it and whatever you do DO NOT expect your first skin to be a raging success. You're gonna blow it plenty of times, trust me I have....lol.
I've been skinning for about 4 years and I STILL screw it up from time to time.
If you want to see what I've done in the past here's a link at http://nightwingdragon.deviantart.com
click "browse gallery" to see some of my blinds.
oh, hehe yah I got skin studio and messed around with it ;)
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