Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A Next Metalgear is...
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[Image: next_metal_gear.jpg]

source: http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/32186/t1...etal-gear/ and http://www.konami.jp/kojima_pro/mgst/?ref=kjp_eng

didn't mean to run into this... anyways you know the drill... discuss.
humm well well they have all them next gen meshes from MGS4 it would be a wast not to make another game I guess
for what though... that's the main discussion over on "neoseeker" most of the people are saying Xbox.
no LOL there is no way he is going to do that,
i know since that last symbol shows up on most powered devices.

and green can mean on.
I'll say it again "AC!D on DSi"
where did you say it the first time? anyways I'll look for infomation.
Syfe Wrote:where did you say it the first time? anyways I'll look for infomation.

PSP-hacks I think, speaking of which...

impakt55 Wrote:[Image: 1228506387439no3.jpg]
[Image: 2008-12-05.png]
Wii lol
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