I personally think it's gonna be AC!D on the iPod Touch. It's no secret that Kojima is a humongous Apple fan, what with Otacon's iMac, Meryl's Macbook Pro, and Snake's iPod Video...
this is old, i saw it when it first came out
i doubt i will enjoy a metal gear game from now on, reasons:
kojima won't be doing anything else other than producing, and he might e forced to intervene if his quality standards are not met, mgs4 was delayed so long cause of his quality checks
i don't see how the kojima prod team can make another metal gear game without compromising the current plot wich has already been give its resolve, it could be set on a different universe but it just irritates me to see games like that
so yeah.. I'm still exited if its an onine game only it oculd be cool, like socom
Sparker Wrote:http://translate.google.com/translate?hl...l=ja&tl=en
i love this but the problem is i prolly won't enjoy it, i don't have an iphone and I've spent alreay a lot of money on my ps3 and ps2 collection of mgs games, also time is an issue i have a lot of commitments like work and a home life that consists of drinking and browsing the net, i hardly play games anymorez
i love how xbox users seem so excited that there's a miniscule hint that it could be mgs4 for the xbox
proof i say that the ps3 is superior
@ beaner
i think the only way they could make a new mgs game without destroying a near perfect plot is by having raiden as the main character and trying not to fudge up with him this time...... maybe have him as ninja like he was in mgs4......
(before anyone says anything i kno he wasn't a ninja at the end but maybe he'd have no choice but to go back that way..... when snake dies he'd be the only one who could take his palce in a bad situation)
I like how organ complains about sony everyday
proof I say that xbox360 is better