oh only bits.. okay then :D i thought you get 20MB/s.. wowowowo
Ive heard Be are the best for us UK'ers, but im on the free TalkTalk package
Nacos Wrote:VM > EVERYTHING!
Apart from some schools and unis that connect straight to the backbone, not via ISP's. Like my brother's uni,..O_O,....soooooo fast!
From that 100MB test Schmilk it says that my average download speed is 652.04kB/s :) whichis pretty good I think...I can't actually remeber which speed I have from BT but I think that it's 8meg....
And I have that "fair useage policy" aswell, but I download like I don't have it :P
that was my fastest...
wee have comcast so wee are suppose to get 4MBps with a speed boost of 8MBps for the first 10 (or 20 can't remember) megabytes of each download...
or am I suppose to be getting 8...?
I can't remember...
either way modem sucks
fast internet for the win