Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sparker's first time using the quick thread
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Oh my god!
sparker desu ka?
Did it hurt?
...was I the only one lazy enough to realize this was here
What am I doing here?

Congrats Spark.
Quick what?
meh, i use it all the time.

in fact, in school there was a period of a few weeks where the school had decided to trial a new internet filter. it was so strict though that half the teachers in the school complained that they couldn't get the resources they needed at school, so instead they had to get things from home. after a while the teachers got fed up of this and so they asked the school to start re-imbursing them for the bandwidth they used at home for school work, as did a few more senior students. the admin gave in and reverted to the old filter.

During this time, i was able to access EP only through a proxy, and even then it wouldn't let me log in so i had to use the quick thread/post and put in my username/password every time i wanted to make a post.
My school has an internet filter where it would find the content of site and block it if there was proxy, games, hacking, hershey kisses and if the ip was just block. EP wasn't blocked for some reason despite all the weird sexual talk, gaming talk, hacking, the changing names, etc.

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