Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A complete list of DS games?
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IVe been looking everywhere for one of these, but i can't find one anywhere

The ones i find only go up to 2800 or so, where the latest game is 3108, 300 above that

But the place i know of that indexes them, doesn't just have a text based list i can view, and copy-pasting 10 pages for the EU game will take far to long

SO...any advice? Anyone know of a list?

I go there for latest updates, has lots of games, but please use google to translate to english, its in spanish
warez site contains downlaods so you can't link to it n this section
Well if what squee says is true, I removed the link and I'm pretty sure mentioning the name is also kinda illegal so I also editted squee's post.
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