Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I never liked Lucky Channel
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For any anime to really be successful, you need to be able to connrct with them on an emotional level, right?  You have to care about what happens to them, and not think of them as a bunch of 2d drawings.  Lucky Channel kind of killed that for me.  Always referring to the show as a "show", trying to guest star on it.  Made me think of the characters as actors playing the roles, that what was happening to them was just a script.

Yeah, I know, it is just a script, but you get my meaning.

I thought the Lucky was so that the audience could connect on an a different emotional level...

So you could connect with the people on the lucky channel as they watched the show

and it brought some lulz
even though I also hated it just because it was annoying
agree/ that's why I hated lucky star the first time around, but i liked the charcters too much not to watch it again.
The "Lucky Channel" segments at the the end of the series were hilarious.
No, I always thought it was funny, I did laugh at it, but it always pointed out the fact that these guys were actors doing the show, especially the last episode, where they were in the show itself.
I did think it was stupid when they mixed the lucky channel with the actual show

because I have seen shows with short segments before and after before and that doesn't really bug me...

but mixing the two just seems stupid


[Image: Necropost-kitten.jpg]
Games like a Grrl Wrote:For any anime to really be successful, you need to be able to connrct with them on an emotional level, right?  You have to care about what happens to them, and not think of them as a bunch of 2d drawings.  Lucky Channel kind of killed that for me.  Always referring to the show as a "show", trying to guest star on it.  Made me think of the characters as actors playing the roles, that what was happening to them was just a script.

Yeah, I know, it is just a script, but you get my meaning.

Watch the Lucky Channel on Lucky Star OVA............ Hahaha
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