Well I was just wondering whether anyone could suggest some games to play over hamachi and would you want to play them? Cause I'm downloading Supreme Commander atm.....
Any other games?
almost any game playable in a LAN can be played over hamachi :D
with a few exceptions though
I usually play BFME2 with my mates, and Dungeon Keeper 2, although i havent played it in a while and am a bit out of shape on it. Will give anyone a game on it anytime, or other games if anyones willing to suggest
maybe guitar hero 3 pc :D
OK...games i have that im willing to play
Overlord Raising Hell
Multiwinia (if it supports LAN i will)
Startopia (in fact, i would rather enjoy a Hamachi game of Startopia if anyone is interested)
RA3 ? :D ...
lol those are my games @ home ... theyr OLD :p
meh.. i don't have time to play either way >___________>
you guys should try garena... its something like hamachi but it supports alot more games!!!!!!!
including l4d/cod5
I use hamachi mainly for Starcraft, but sometimes warcraft 3 or diablo 2.
sticky Wrote:you guys should try garena... its something like hamachi but it supports alot more games!!!!!!!
including l4d/cod5
or garena yeah