Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New Sig and Ava^^
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Well after I started watching To Love Ru I wanted to try out something new^^

[Image: avatar_3747_493474e1.png]

[Image: sigof8.png]

Comments please Gongxi
wow nice sig sky :D

you always seem to get the best renders too, as always its clean and nice (and i like it that way xD)

 this is not exactly related but since i set up two monitors today for my desktop i noticed that your sig was almost white on one and the other one showed more color and less light, just pointing out how different something can look on other peoples monitors :P
Yeah, really nice!!!
Nice! :)

i prefer the manga though, the anime made rito a total perv =.= so disappointed
Thanks to you all^^ After watching six episodes I don't think Rito is a perv... just ?lucky? to be dragged in perv situations^^
sweet! :]
hehe nice one sky! :)

wow heartless your sig animation ended just as the song I was listening to ended :P
@cabe, haha xD

@sky, well if you read the manga, you will see the different =p
Thanks guys!^^

Maybe I'll start reading the Manga^^
oh wow they're nice, good job SkyDX
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