Endless Paradigm

Full Version: EffectsMB by A_Noob
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: effectsmbff7.png]

[Image: screenshot001pk1.png]

[Image: screenshot003rx6.png]

[Image: screenshot004pm5.png]

[Image: screenshot002jy2.png]

[Image: screenshot005zr8.png]



Instructions, use right and left triggers to changes effects
is it supposed to flicker when scrolling from photo to settings?
WOW! works great!

i like to see this with little less color,. lightly filtered,..

[Image: mb48s4.jpg]
this is just a beta so he's gonna be adding more effects.. I think he's even adding a water ripple effect :)

here's what he posted last.

Version 1.5 will include:
* saving of effect
* configurable hotkey (ie hold and extra button with the trigger)
* self made effects (primitive support, you can control blend modes color logic and the color of the rect)

the invert effect is good for those who've always wanted a black wave :)

[Image: screenshot001jo4.png]

also the effects work in videos and if u add it to game.txt they work in some games :)
great app but not useful though :(
it's useful if u use the GO! cam cause u can use these new effects with it :)
This also works as a game mode plugin.

This makes some games look trippy as hell.
I love this plugin !!   :D
just noticed I hadn't updated the link with the latest version..
redownload for the latest one.
i will copy ''ms0:/seplugins/EffectsMB.prx 1''

good job.

i liked.
Wow, This is sweet!! This plugin in itself has single handedly made me go and search for my PSP charger just so I can play with it!
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