Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A request I has
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[Image: lucky-star-632-wall1200.jpg]

Can someone add a bit to the sides of this pic to make it suitable for a widescreen monitor?  My resolution is 1680 * 1050.  I don't want to crop the top and bottom.
well i did this from my laptop so it was really hard getting somethings to work

anyway, when i get my desktop back today ill take another stab at it :P (by the way, a little crop won't hurt to remove those words at the bot by the way...)

[Image: revisemp4.jpg]

just cut something horizontaly from the bottom and then resize it :>
Mythos Wrote:just cut something horizontaly from the bottom and then resize it :>

oh lol, i read that wrong; i thought she wanted the top and bottom to stay intact (so theres no missing parts :P)

[Image: luckystar632wallgr7.jpg]
No, I did want the top and bottom intact, I didn't want to lose any of the pic.  Though Mystic is right, the bottom can be trimmed to lose the text. Thanks Tetris, I think I'll take the first one, cut the mirror image you did on the left and rotate it to line up the power lines, I can always smudge around the cut to blend it in, first I need to download Photoshop again, that's why I can't do it mahself.
lol, okay then; heres the final revision; with only the text clipped out and scaled :P

[Image: revisemp4.jpg]

also going to put it in for the first post; because the first one fails miserably :P
Man, you rock Tetris, thanks!  I saw this pic and, after seeLucky Star again, HAD to set this as mah wallpaper.
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