Wii, Xbox (original), DS, SP, and PS2 all today. As many of you know, today is Black Friday, fudgeing cheap donkey prices if your stupid enough to wake up early enough. I had to pay this all with my money, but imo its worth it, what else would i spend it on, books? I still have enough to take out my gf so i had excess money, and i didnt sleep so i woke my dad at 5 to take me (3 more months till i get my permit). So today I is very happy EXCEPT... i can't use any of them until Christmas because i have to pretend Santa brought them for me so all the little kiddies believe
I got so mad when they told me this, but oh wells atleast i have em :D I feel like making something with this hapiness
...I have no money...
actually I take that back I have a dollar I won in a bet...
and 20 dollars in quarters
congratulations though
ahhh so you can't hack it now, bummer
At least you got it :)
umm well DS was 89.99, xbox was 49.99, Wii was 199.99, SP was 29.99 ps2 was 49.99 plus 3 wii games (buy 2 get 1 free) so another 47.98, around 500 with tax, payed with card so i didnt pay attention
oh yeah, 1 year warranty on everything, so 10+10+20+10+10=60 so $560 in total, damn i spent more than i thought Oo still have enough though
YoYoBallz Wrote:ahhh so you can't hack it now, bummer
At least you got it :)
but soon i will :)
i got an xbox for £10 and broke it within a day
my poor ten pound
also what's an SP?
GameBoy Advance SP?
That's my guess
those things are horrible, or i just hate old gen stuff, one of the two
funnybutrandom Wrote:those things are horrible, or i just hate old gen stuff, one of the two
i doesn't, but that's for my bro not, i might also give away the ds, tis is ugly