Endless Paradigm

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Okay I have always wanted to do this and I am still unable to figure out how. so here it goes

Does anyone know of a program or a way for me to use my cell phone from my computer?
I want to be able to sort of link my phone with my computer so I can be like oh I want to call my friend and then open up a program and punch in the numbers and call them up

if anyone has ever seen the phone app on code lyoko that is exactly what I want...

so anybody have any ideas?

and I have no problem building one myself if someone can explain what I have to do (assuming the phone even has the right usb, wifi, or bluetooth classes for that)

also just a quick note
I know they have programs that do this, but most of them cost money and can only make limited calls
I want to use because I already pay for service and I can call anyone
so if you do find a program or service that can do this without a phone that is fine but I still want to be able to call normal cell phones and landline without having to pay a fee or anything like that
My Moto phone can be controlled 100% from the computer with freeware, is that what you mean?
can you call people on your phone from your computer?
skype lol
you have to pay to make calls with it...
but I did check it out
unless you exploit the older versions with 5 free minutes..
No thanks...
I'll sound like an old verizon commercial
If you have a Sony Phone there was an application for it which i used when my phone died, but i don't know the name...

yeah my phone is a nokia but it is a bit of a piece of poo poo
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