Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Is there a way to remove a driver from XP?
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okay, I am in rather a strange predicament. Last week i acquired a new motherboard through devious means (jk) and replaced my bulging-capacitors-non-overclockable motherboard with the 'new' one. (ASRock P4i65g. Nothing special but better than what i had). Of course, Windows being Windows is just refused  to start  up without bluescreens and the like on the new motherboard. So i checked all myt backups were up to date and did a clean re-install. Everything is now working perfectly and my CPU is overclocked from 3ghz to a mind blowing 3.44ghz. Woohoo! That's about as high as i can get it because the motherboard doesn't allow me to change the voltage.

Anyways, i waffling.

Since the re-install my MP3 player has now decided  it doesn't want to play ball. Technically its an MTP (Music Transfer Protocol) device but if the computer its connecting to doesn't have the drivers it will fall back into MSC (Mass storage class, Like a pen drive) mode so that, in theory, it will work with any computer made singe 2000-ish.

I deliberatly havn't installed WMP10 or 11 because A,) its spoon and B,) it installs the MTP drivers. I prefer normal MSC mode as its a lot faster to transfer files and it doesn't mess with other things in my computer. Also for some reason the MP3 player won't show up in Explorer  but it will in WMP9 (is installed with XP). But, since reinstalling my computer has managed to find the MTP drivers somewhere and is now using them to communicate with my MP3 player. My computer isn't connected to the internet and i havn't installed anything media related other than VLC media player. I've tried removing WMP9 but it still finds the driver somewhere.

What i need to know (yay, were getting to the good bit) is a way to permenantly remove the MTP drivers  from my XP installation so that the MP3 player will fall back into MSC mode. I've had a poke around the innards  of my  computer but havnt found anything obvious.

E-pigs up for grabs e-peoples!
I shall give this a go now.
I have not tried it myself so good luck,  lol
Thank you Hibby, you have solved my problems. How many e-pigs do you want within reason?
I don't want anything I'm just happy it solved your problem,
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