Endless Paradigm

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Indeed...To the U-mobile, where wee will fight them as wee drink tea and eat scones!
roberth Wrote:Indeed...To the U-mobile, where wee will fight them as wee drink tea and eat scones!

but did the codes help you ? :D
well, kinda

I'm still messing around, but its all starting to come together. I can never bew 100%, something to do with the way the college network is set up, and the fact that wee are using test servers means that sometimes effects don't show until the next time i run it, so ill tell you on thursday, when i have web design

They certainly gave me a better shove than my lecturer did, i can say that (as wel as inspiring me to finish a project i started months ago, which may or may not come to something now :D)

Thank you all



Basically, ages ago i started a web project, but quickly gave it due to lack of motivation / skill

See here for couple more details. But, i finally have motivation, and the skill to do it now :D
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