Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Default Vista ICS ip address
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so to start with I was trying to hook my xbox to live via internet connection sharing because I could never figure it out. Well to use ics it changes your lans ip to which is the default for my router. That didn't matter though (for some reason) so I played a little bit and then took the cable out of the lan. Then I had a problem. Instead of my router (which is also my computer would fetch my local host. (something to do with the way ics works?)
so I realised that this port wouldn't work...
I had to change it!

so anyway


there should be two values in there...
change them

I used because that's not in use

so I enabled ics again and it said it changed the ip to the new value. I have taken its word for it (I haven't tested yet) and assume it works.

Just thought I'd share if anyone was a cheap bastard like me and didn't want to pay for the wi-fi adapter or had my idea

I will be posting another tutorial sometime later (it is my bedtime sadly) and will explain the whole process of getting my xbox and pc to allow internet connection sharing (kept getting an error while trying to enable it).

So just thought I would share...

oh and one thing to mention
with ics my firewall seems a little more concerned than it was when I just bridged the connections but I wanted to be lazy and not have to manually bridge them each time (god forbid I move the touchpad and have to click buttons)
They won't conflict because they are on different networks

ICS uses your LAN as a gateway of its own, so its operating independently to your router...in the same way that your router is connecting your internet and you via different IP addresses

No sure why they were conflicting, i know multiple people who use ICS without issues
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