Look at the text and logo ^_^
No it's not photoshopped^^
I didn't know you were german
Now you do^^ I normally have my tech stuff (PSP, 360 etc.) in English because I think it sounds better but I grew up with Windows in German so I kept it.
wusste auch nich dass du n deutscher bist *g*
bloooß nix sagen, ne? :>
I mentioned it quite a few times I think^^'
And Organ, Vista Visual Master is very nice, it's the only software that can change SP1 bootscreens, found out about it today^^
Du hast ja nicht gefragt

(You never asked

Mythos Wrote:wusste auch nich dass du n deutscher bist *g*
bloooß nix sagen, ne? :>
funny how this happens...
SkyDX Wrote:@Mythos:
Du hast ja nicht gefragt
(You never asked
woher sollte ich's denn wissen? :p naja nu weiss ich ja bescheid.. heh
(bla bla.. :p)