bro's/Sis's i need help to get all drivers for "Toshiba Dynabook Satellite 2250 c60/4c8" the problem is everytime i go the site i don't understand it because the site is written is japanese:
somebody link me to an english site of toshiba? or please provide me the drivers if possible?
thanks in advance. ???
nevermind checked and saw that its probably an import so drivers won't be there, what drivers do you need?
Just go to that site, translate using google, choose "satellite(some japanese chracters)", then "satellite 2250" as model, then the OS. Google translates the category's so choose one, click the right button and it'll direct you to the DL page for that driver.
Click here for some
thanks bro mickey i will try that.
by the way i need the sound driver.
Your first problem is that you bought a toshiba laptop. seroiusly...... they are awful.
actually it was my friends laptop and i return it to him but i already formatted it but still no sounds. i can't really find sound driver for that, because the laptop is very old or maybe it's a sound hardware deffect.
drivers take ages to find, try contacting toshiba.
i tried thanks bro catseye!
if you go to device manager, then properties of the unknown sound driver then go to Details then in the drop down box choose hardware IDs and it will list a VEN_xxxx&DEV_yyyy
Take that number and google it, you will be presented with what the name of the device is and you can google that to find a non-japanese site that has it :)
Good luck bro