Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Warhawk theme
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Originally made for the PS3. Now available for the PSP. This has 12 different font colors to chose from for the phat PSP's and 30 for the slim users.

Quote: Credit goes to me. And thanks to nothingface420 for doing some prx compressing for me.
My screenshot app is taking brighter pics then what they really are.
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[Image: n4.jpg]

[Image: screen2-5.jpg]

[Image: screen3-2.jpg]

Also lots of color in the waves.
[Image: screen5-2.jpg]
love the background bro gives me an idea interesting. thanks for sharing your work bro.
NIce buckeyes!!!
hay thanks guys. I was told if I was using SVCapture I need to change the .ini file and add the line:
BoostBrightness= NO That that would fix the brightness of my pics.
Any Idea where the .ini file is?
EDIT- never mind Figured it out
looks sweeeeeet man, thanks.
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