Endless Paradigm

Full Version: CR5400 + 8GB X 2
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crappy speed due to class 4 microSD??

[Image: 8gbx3hm4.jpg]

it's lucky that T/M IPL injection without problem Emptyone

[Image: mat20081119233758abx8.png]

8G CF is for my Cannon EOS400DHihi

other ATTO benchmark:

bad compatible with card reader, PSP is fine..

[Image: attors0.png]

[Image: hdtachpj7.png]
you are some amazing guy
..im used sandisk micro M2 16 gb & adapter in my psp slot (magic gate supported)
[Image: dsc00371sy8.jpg]
...and also i used CR5400 & sandisk 16 gb whit 2x8gb sdhc cards in my DSC 120 cybershot
you too are some amazing guy
I wish I had the one on the left
[Image: dsc00371sy8.jpg]

How much did it cost you?
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:..im used sandisk micro M2 16 gb & adapter in my psp slot (magic gate supported)
[Image: dsc00371sy8.jpg]
...and also i used CR5400 & sandisk 16 gb whit 2x8gb sdhc cards in my DSC 120 cybershot

RAID0 would be the spoon on a micro card adapter!  :X

At the end of the week ill have a sony 16gb mark2...can't wait to test the speeds..
SchmilK Wrote:
Diabelski Chojrak Wrote:..im used sandisk micro M2 16 gb & adapter in my psp slot (magic gate supported)
[Image: dsc00371sy8.jpg]
...and also i used CR5400 & sandisk 16 gb whit 2x8gb sdhc cards in my DSC 120 cybershot

RAID0 would be the spoon on a micro card adapter!  :X

At the end of the week ill have a sony 16gb mark2...can't wait to test the speeds..

I'm bidding on one now :)
i will obtain some on saturday (obtaining meaning my dad using 5 finger discount)
holy shid im gonna find out how you guys do before I invest
looks great =)
Gadget Wrote:I wish I had the one on the left
[Image: dsc00371sy8.jpg]
Inluvi want too :D
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