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Full Version: [5.00m33] FFXIII Versus Black
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[Image: 106zczb.png]
this theme took me weeks to build,. please consider a Small donation
[Image: f_Paypalm_09ab8a1.png]

Downdated with files of 550gen version as requested but its the last evar i downdate a theme ;) just have to update to new cf

FFXIII Versus Black update 3 downdate of 550 theme
  • 01-12 with 480x272 backgrounds and new ones!
  • new infobars
  • new opening logo and sound
  • sys icon
  • Gentix busy icon
  • new battery
  • new USB screen

    [Image: 11t6885.jpg]

    NOTE!!! i am looking for a sponsor,. web console shop anything ;p (i needs a PS3!)

    550gen version here(screenshots infobars and preview 01-12 picture's) >> http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=18051

    Update! new wave colors and added MUTE icon

    [Image: raq7x5.jpg]

    Small Update 11/17/2008: fixxed extra file OSK_utility.rco
                           forgot to add the new AVLS bar and Sound Settings Bar

    ok i finally got this theme finished! ;)

    i have changed tons of small stuff,. compared to my White Lightning Theme,. offsets, icons, folders and more,. ;p

    [Image: 1z5ubkz.jpg]

    Spoiler for screeny's:
    [Image: 25yxftx.jpg]

    [Image: ru4s4h.jpg]

    [Image: 110asyr.jpg]

    [Image: 2e6bpxg.jpg]

    [Image: nfgr3o.jpg]

    Plz donate!>> paypal sh211896@12move.nl 
    Send Bugs/error to me plz at sh211896@12move.nl for next theme/updates ;)
    FFXIII Versus Black
    Note: extra flash files for use with CTF in extra folder
    Note: selecting system>>theme>>color >> you have to double select a background
    Note: selecting system>>theme>>Background >> you have to double select Classic or Original
    Note: "Reboot/Power Off"  press for Reboot, hold right trigger and press for power off
    Note: System>>System>>FFXIII Versus Black Slideshow
    CTF install copy contents to memorystick and enable CXMB3.3 plugin in recovery
    extra files flash to flash0, ingame OSK(keyboard) and savedata_utility
    revised main feature's:
    -Main icon, volume bar, sound settings and AVLS in 1 MAIN icon
    -"Tinted" meaning a different photo filter effect for each menu
    (works with 01-12 and with normal backgrounds)
    -all new revised submenu icons/folders FFXIII
    -new top bar icons!music. video, helpscreen etc etc
    -custom OSK's FFXIII
    -New battery
    -revised music player menu FFXIII
    -Custom visualizers
    -All network and PSN options custom menu's and icons
    -All control panels custom,.>> Photo, Photo slideshow, music, video, UMD video, camera
    -New/revised game icon and loading/broken/unknown/default icons
    -New inverted full screen busy icon
    -01-12.bmp 12 monthly backgrounds 400x227 resolution!!
    -loads of small adjustments and icons,. theme is 100%
    -FFXIII gameboot
    -Dah Tools:
    Davee & Bubbletune
    Dark_Alex(team m33), Team C+D, ZingaBurga, Ac_K, Blessedhands, highboy, z33, Vulpix, 
    Red Squirrel, Takashi, sKing, 
    Poison :) CTF!!
    -Offsets and other:
    Schmilk, matchung, Bstronga, Gsmoke, MaDcOw, hibbyware me and all other's!! 
    All @ EndlessParadigm

    FFXIIIversusBlack v2
    [Image: dl_download.png]

    FFXIIIversusBlack v3(550gen downdated version)
    [Image: dl_download.png]

  • nice theme thanks Vegetano1 for that
    sweeeet can't wait to see your changes :D

    *SchmilK forgot to click download first time*
    yay black version :)
    yessssssss really nice one vega!!
    i got a different gameboot if anyone wants that,.!?

    glad you all like the theme,.. i had to remake the main icons over and over but they look ok now,. ;p

    there is a very limited source of FFXIII versus picture's and vids,. so you may find some picture's i used twice,. ;p

    i like the gameboot and the 01-12 and the main icons,. ;)
    Small Update 11/17/2008: fixxed extra file OSK_utility.rco
                           forgot to add the new AVLS bar and Sound Settings Bar

    sorry! ;p
    sweet looking theme Madwin gonna try it out in a min..
    awesome love dark themes, thanks man
    I was wondering. How do you make your 01-12.bmp? I can never seem to get mine to work. D:
    There will be an update this week later on:-New wave colors, thanks to highboy's vshmain editor!!
    -mute icon i forgot to add
    -see if i get more errors/bugs, so if you find any bugs send them to me please!! ;)

    leon3142 Wrote:I was wondering. How do you make your 01-12.bmp? I can never seem to get mine to work. D:

    you have to make sure you are not using to many icons in your theme 32bit or 8bit,..

    if i know whot resolution works for my theme i save all pics as jpg's using "save as web-device" in Photoshop and make sure to get the quality beneath 32K and save,.. then pad them with hex-workshop to the block size i need.

    then i add them into a 01-12 by using this line:

    copy /b 01.jpg+02.jpg+03.jpg+04.jpg+05.jpg+06.jpg+07.jpg+08.jpg+09.jpg+10.jpg+11.jpg+12.jpg 01-12.bmp

    copy this into a .txt file and save then rename to .bat
    put the .bat file in the same folder as the jpg's named 01.jpg, 02.jpg,.. etc
    double click .bat file

    note you can make the 12th jpg 100% quality

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