Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [5.00m33] FFXIII Versus Black
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I've been using this theme for both my PSP, but since I've had no choice but to upgrade my main to 6.60 ME-2.3, the theme for sure doesn't work.

So I've been wondering if you are gonna update it or is there a step by step guide to convert the theme to work with higher firmwares?
dark_axl21 Wrote: [ -> ]I've been using this theme for both my PSP, but since I've had no choice but to upgrade my main to 6.60 ME-2.3, the theme for sure doesn't work.

So I've been wondering if you are gonna update it or is there a step by step guide to convert the theme to work with higher firmwares?

The theme creator has been quiet for some time. The best bet would be to PM them.

Good luck!
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