Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Having problems with corrupt savedata on 5.00
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I updated last night and now the following three games' savedata is corrupt:

LEGO Batman
Midnight Club LA Remix
Star Ocean

Anyone heard of/had problems with savedata going corrupt after the update? I really don't want to start these games over. I would rather downgrade... D: If there is a fix, that would be so awesome!

Thanks for any help!
I had a similar problem like this before, though it's not due to an update.  I'm assuming that since you just finished a new theme, that you are currently using it?  If so, might be due to a corrupt system_plugin.rco.  


The problem was that if I saved a new data, nothing would go wrong, but overwriting an existing data resulted in the game data to be corrupted.  Checking the corrupted data showed me that the icons and such were there, but the game data itself disappeared.  Hope that helps.  If that's not the issue, then I have no idea. =/
Thanks very much for the response. Unfortunately, I'm only using Cxmb; no custom files in flash. :/ So that couldn't be the problem.
depends what you upgraded from, i believe there was a change which corrupted previous version's saves, i might be wrong though
mine got corrupted as well ...

wtfudge ....

la remix - mind over mutant

shudve just sticked with 390
if you play a game on a lower FW then it needs (a game need 4.01 but you play it on 3.90 m33)

when you update to a higher CFW the save may not load
The problem is from playing on a firmware less than the requiered of the game.

Ibawanzingee got it straigthented out when i sent him the link to save game deemer from Hellcat

You will need to go back to a 3.71 orr 3.90 firmware and follow the directions ;)
... too late... i deletedsss em already >___>

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