Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Would YOU marry a cartoon character [if so, who?]
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I just wish I would know a girl like Konata IRL....... Inluv or a bit older Nagi-Chan from Hayate no Gotoku....
so what wait

some of yous would marry a girl who looks like an anime charecter O-o
i cld prbably fudge a good few anime girls if they were real
that's just weird -___-
Well, I'm already married...

But if i was single:   yeah, I'de marry Jessica Rabbit      [Image: tongue.gif]   LOL

[Image: jessica.jpg]
LeMon- Wrote:
sabisu Wrote:If they were real, I would choose Ami-chan from Toradora~

If anime characters were real,you coulnd't even merry - world domination is around everywhere.

lol~  Let me put it a different way then.  If there was a girl like her...  Well either way, I don't think it would work out too well.  I don't see any one that looks good with blue hair.  All the konata cosplays have ugly hair; I have yet to see a good one.
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Well, I'm already married...

But if i was single:   yeah, I'de marry Jessica Rabbit      [Image: tongue.gif]   LOL

[Image: jessica.jpg]


wee have  a winner!
boogschd Wrote:
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Well, I'm already married...

But if i was single:   yeah, I'de marry Jessica Rabbit      [Image: tongue.gif]   LOL

[Image: jessica.jpg]


wee have  a winner!

ewwwwwwwww *Dies*vSadist
That guy mentioned in the article is obviously desperate. Poor guy lol

and no I wouldn't marry a cartoon. lol that sounds so lame

R!KKU Wrote:that's just weird -___-

Nah it's creepy.
Hell no.
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