Endless Paradigm

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i edited my wave then flash it on flash0 but Always having TWO waves when selecting classic Theme why?

one thing how will wee change the original wave of 5.00 where it is located?
vinrose67 Wrote:i edited my wave then flash it on flash0 but Always having TWO waves when selecting classic Theme why?

one thing how will wee change the original wave of 5.00 where it is located?

i have used Highboy's wave tool to add a TGA image(original stock recolored),. but i had to "index color" to 32 colors else i got 2 waves,.
so to many or to big tga image will give you 2 waves,.

the original wave might have a image in a prx file or its not using an image,.!?
going by how the offsets change the 'new' wave, it seems like it is just math making the waves, not an image?  Buti could be way off...

I was wonder how/why 2 waves came up...very nice vegetano1
vinrose67 Wrote:one thing how will wee change the original wave of 5.00 where it is located?
I'll take a punt at the .ptf file in f0:/vsh/resource - I'd check it for you, but I can't seem to find my 1GB MS (suspect my sister 'borrowed' it).
As for changing the default, you'd have to RLZ compress the wave back (assuming it is the PTF) - I can try to do it, but is it really necessary?
yes bro v1 your right wee should lessen the the number of colors of wave so it will only show one wave at a time, bro highboy app is good but it freezes my PSP. thanks for a fast response on my thread.

edit: seems working good now. thanks bro's
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