I finally got around to finishing this (i watched the main 26, but never got around to the 4 OVA eps) so i now want to discuss this, as the ending left me confuzzlificated, and because it is possibly my favourite anime out of all that i have seen
So then, who has seen it and what did you think?
roberth Wrote:...as the ending left me confuzzlificated...
That is my now new favourite word.
I heard the ending song and I love it...
I have been meaning to watch it but I have a stack of anime I am already trying to watch
Main 26?
There's like 40 episodes... maybe that's why you're confused?
nope, 30 episodes, 26 for the basic ending, and a further 4 for the OVA when the full, awesome ending occurs...unless i missed even more?
What confuses me about it is
Also, Slushba, i personally recommend you bump it up the list, apart from a tiny filler section in the middle (which i just skipped in the end, after it became apparent it was just a flashback to what i had already watched) its a really good Anime, although the first ending is very unsatisfying
roberth Wrote:nope, 30 episodes, 26 for the basic ending, and a further 4 for the OVA when the full, awesome ending occurs...unless i missed even more?
Actually, it is 30... My bad
I haven't watched the whole thing yet, So I can't tell you anything about it.
I stalled/dropped about episode 16-20. It was too slow. I may eventually go back and finish it. But after all this time I don't know it if I will.