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Full Version: DaedalusX64 Beta 1
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[Image: 2yvrzbn.png]

Quote from wally:
G'day Folks.

Its finally out, the beta you have been waiting for.

So what's new you ask?

DaedalusX64 Beta 1 - 08 November 2008 (Change from R14 Beta)
[+] TV Out Support (Chilly Willy)
[+] ME Audio Supported (Small speed-up with sound on.) (Chilly Willy)
[+] Increased audio buffers for better sound quality (Kreationz)
[+] Changed logo and graphics to represent new name (graphic by SynGamer)
[!] Fixed screen shots (Chilly Willy)
[!] Fixed an OoT custom clend Mode (Wally)
[!] Fixed Shaking using double display lists (GoldenEye 007, others...) (idea Wally, code Kreationz)
[!] Pause Menu Reset not working properly (Kreationz)
[!] Fixed FPS Display and Framerate limiter (Kreationz)
[!] Optimized code generation for fragments which branch to themselves is now optional
Fixes games that broke from R12-13 (Kreationz)
[^] Improved thread communications in job manager (Hlide)

Credits to:
Enjoy and thank you for supporting our efforts. I'd like to thank those that contributed code this round:
Chilly Willy - PSP Code Master
Kreationz - General Coding and Debugging
Wally - Graphics and more
Hlide - Thread and Dynarec
Howard0su - General Code

Also in misc credits go to:
Moers - Admin
SynGamer - Logo
ShinyDude100 - Ideas and getting the ball rolling

And special Thanks to:
Azimer for his audio code
Rice for his video code

and last but certainly not least...

Strmnnrmn whom without this wee wouldn't be here.
Have Fun!

Daedalus X64 Compatability list here

source DCEmu
OMG AWESOME!!!! I can't wait to play Ocarina of Time!!!
...so does it run it or not?

not gonna lie...
the intro is still slow and I don't know if my rom is screwed or what but I still see that giant green mess when I start the game.
it does go away shortly though
Gonna try this
Yes it runs or they would not of released it.  Really glad to see other's pick up on this great project.
Played some key games on it and well they run but still not at a enjoyable speed.(I expected that though since its still a beta)

Still though I saw a big difference in speed, I was kinda amazed how much they Improved it in a small amount of time. With them working on it, Im sure Itll reach full speed emulation in no time. Drink
I patiently await the day when I have full speed Ocarina of Time on my PSP :)
Rampage World Tour is running 100% with sound  (& fullscreen)  MadwinMadwinMadwin
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:Rampage World Tour is running 100% with sound  (& fullscreen)  MadwinMadwinMadwin

i remember getting that when iwas like 6-7 yrs old i loved that game, i forgot all about it, thanks for the info Adore
An even more extensive compatibility list for this emu:

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